Saturday, January 26, 2008 launches my Photoshop title

On January 25th launched my training course, Photoshop CS3 Extended for Biomedical Research. I go into detail how Photoshop CS3 Extended can be used in Biomedical Research. This is based on over fifteen years of drug discovery experience including the creation and managing of a digital darkroom for DuPont Merck and later Dupont Pharmaceuticals.

I cover how to use Photoshop CS3's selection, analysis, and editing tools to evaluate an image's color composition, modify images for research, optimize exposure with levels and curves, transform images with layers, and compensate for acquisition problems and limitations. I also explain how to add reference information to images, annotate and optimize DICOM animations, and share finished images with colleagues. If you are a premium subscriber you have access to exercise files that accompany the tutorials.

I hope that I can help fellow researchers use Photoshop to help them in their studies and demonstrate how it can be a useful tool at their disposal.